Wireless Information System for Emergency Resp...

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Situation: an SSIS package was configured to call a separate package contained within the same database.  Result: error:

Description: Error 0xC0014062 while preparing to load the package. The LoadFromSQLServer
method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80040E09
(The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_ssis_getpackage',
database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.).  The SQL statement that was issued has failed.

Solution: find the user account that is associated with the connection in the “Execute Package” task. In SQL 2008 R2, that account needs to be granted the db_ssisoperator role in the msdb database, otherwise it can’t find the other package that is being called.  I’m not sure what other effects this might have on rights, but it seems to be the right role according to the description on this page, where it states that the ssisoperator role gets read rights only.